COPES was born on the occasion of the Third Joint Meeting of ESPE and LWPES, held in Jerusalem in November, 1989.  The Presidents and Secretaries of the existing pediatric endocrine societies decided to establish a Communication Office of the Pediatric Endocrine Societies (COPES) and publish a biannual newsletter with this name.

COPES is a non-profit organization supported by academic and industrial sponsorships from international companies and organizations. The Coordination Office sends newsletters free of charge to all members of the societies through their secretaries and maintains this website.

The COPES newsletter has been publishing information on the meetings of the affiliated societies and other meetings of interest. Reports on activities of the Affiliated Societies, as well as selected letters and brief summaries of reviews pertaining to newsworthy items are published in the Newsletter.  All contributions are welcome, so please mail or fax your correspondence to the editors (see pdf newsletter for contact names and e-mail addresses).

Suttipong Wacharasindhu, MD, MRCP(UK)
Endocrine Unit, Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine 
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand
E-mail: wacharasindhu at


Prof. Nalini Shah,
Head, Dept of Endocrinology
KEM Hospital
Mumbai 400012
E-mail: nalinishah at 


Click here to open the latest pdf version of the newsletter with information on meetings and officers in the member organizations 







The Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group (APEG) is the professional body in Australia and New Zealand which represents those involved in management and/or research of children with disorders of the endocrine system including diabetes mellitus.

The Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group was formed in 1982 as an initiative of Dr Norman Wettenhall in Melbourne. It now represents over 100 members in Australia and New Zealand.




The Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society (APPES) was formed in 1999 to provide a forum for those with an interest in Paediatric Endocrinology in the Asia Pacific region. There had been interest in such a concept for some years, but plans became more concrete after the highly successful Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine meeting held in Sydney in February 1996 which was attended by many from the region. While there are a number of international and regional paediatric endocrine societies, it was considered that our region with its large population, large area and unique issues would benefit from having its own regional forum. A planning group was established at the Sydney meeting which culminated in the launch of APPES in 1999 with its highly successful first scientific meeting in Kuala Lumpur and Fellows Education course in Genting, Malaysia.

The major objectives of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society are:

·         To promote the best standards of care and be an advocate for the rights and quality of life of young people with endocrine disorders and diabetes

·         To promote education and information sharing about paediatric endocrine disorders and diabetes amongst all health providers and the community

·         To be a forum for interaction between health professionals within the disciplines of paediatric endocrinology and diabetes in the Asia Pacific Region


The society has a growing membership, already with members from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The challenges facing paediatric endocrinologists in our region are enormous and we hope that APPES will be able to make a genuine contribution in future years to the improved health of children with diabetes, growth and endocrine disorders.




The African Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology (ASPAE) is an international organisation with several members from African countries whose aim is to promote the highest levels of knowledge, research, education and clinical practice of paediatric endocrinology and metabolism throughout the Africa. 

Founded in July 2009, when the first Fellows graduated at the pan African school for Paediatric Endocrinology in Nairobi under the Presidency Dr Lucy Mungai and mentorship of some members of European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology(ESPE), the Society aims to increase in both size and scope, becoming one of the largest and most leading international scientific communities of paediatric endocrinology. 

The Society is dedicated to serve its members and the international scientific community. It is also aims at being involved in promoting the interests of the general public and in advising on African health policy in the area of paediatric endocrinology. ASPAE is committed to welcoming and establishing close relationships with other Scientific Societies in the world. 




The British Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED) was formally constituted and named at the Annual General meeting in Liverpool in 1979.  Before 1979 members met as the British Paediatric Endocrine Group (BPEG).  BPEG was formed following a paediatric endocrine symposium convened by Dr. Connie Forsyth in Dundee in April 1972.


BSPED is one of the affiliated speciality groups of the former British Paediatric Association, now the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Membership is open “to those actively engaged in the clinical care of

children with endocrinological disorders and diabetes mellitus and to those conducting research related to those problems.” Therefore, membership is open to members and non-members of the RCPCH.


Two meetings are held each year; in the Spring a Business Meeting at the time of the Annual RCPCH Meeting and in the Autumn the AGM at different venues, organised by the Convenor for the year.



Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group





The European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) was founded in 1962, when the first annual scientific meeting was held in Zurich under the Presidency of Andrea Prader. The primary aim of ESPE is to promote knowledge of paediatric endocrinology in the widest sense. Three fundamental aspects of the field, namely clinical care, education and research are actively supported to achieve this aim. ESPE now numbers over 700 members from more than 70 countries worldwide. Training in paediatric endocrinology is an important priority for the Society. ESPE has been officially designated by the European Commission to be the body responsible for organising and monitoring training in paediatric endocrinology. In this respect, programmes in education exist which aim to support a broad spectrum of trainees. 

The ESPE annual scientific meeting, which rotates to a different city and country annually, is recognised as a meeting of high scientific and educational quality. Over 3,000 delegates attended the 2010 meeting in Prague. However, despite its size, the meeting retains the traditional ESPE values of friendship and congeniality. The welcome and support of colleagues and young paediatric endocrinologists from a wide geographical area, remain high priorities for the Society. 


ISPAD started in 1974 as the International Study Group of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents (ISGD), transformed into the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) in 1993, and celebrated its 30th anniversary at the 2004 Annual Meeting in Singapore. ISPAD is a professional organization whose aims are to promote science (clinical and basic), education and advocacy in childhood and adolescent diabetes. The strength of ISPAD lies in the membership’s broad scientific and clinical expertise in childhood and adolescent diabetes. The care of children with diabetes involves not only the child and his/her network of family, peers and other caregivers, but also, the multidisciplinary team of pediatric diabetologists, nurses, dietitians, social workers and other behavioral specialists. Allied health professionals play an important role in developing new clinical and scientific strategies for pediatric diabetes care, and have increasingly become an integral part of the ISPAD family.

ISPAD has a large membership countries all over the world and from all diabetes health care professional groups, although the vast majority are physicians. ISPAD organizes yearly meetings. Two Science Schools are organized each year; one for physicians and one for other health professionals. ISPAD also has a tradition of postgraduate courses, mainly in the non-high income countries. ISPAD's official journal is Pediatric Diabetes. 


The Indian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology (ISPAE) provides a professional forum for those with an interest in Pediatric Endocrinology in India, and aims to promote greater knowledge, research, education and clinical practice of pediatric endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes. Prof Meena Desai, the pioneer in this field in India, was our Founder-President. She along with Prof PSN Menon and Prof P Raghupathy, have enabled us to reach this stage of growth and development.

Welcome to our new website, as we go into the next level of maturation. We are trying our best to make this useful and interactive, so as to link us all together as well as provide a window to the outside world. We will of
course continue our regular newsletter, CAPENEWS, increasingly making it electronic.



The Israel Society for Pediatric Endocrinology  (ISPE) was formally founded and named at the Annual General meeting in 1987.  Before 1987 members met at the Israel Society of Clinical Pediatrics.  ISPE was formed following a pediatric endocrine symposium convened by Dr. Zvi Zadik who then became its first Chairman.  He was also instrumental in registering ISPE as a ‘non-profit’ organization (Amuta).  ISPE is one of the affiliated speciality groups of the Israel Pediatricians Organization and Israel Medical Association.


In establishing ISPE, it was aimed that the Society shall advance education in pediatric endocrinology and related subjects by promoting research and disseminating the useful results of such research. Membership at the Society is open to those pediatricians and scientists actively engaged in the clinical care of children with endocrine disorders and to those individuals conducting research related to these problems.


As of 1990, the activity of ISPE has been conducted through two or three meetings per year, giving emphasis to scientific research presentations by colleagues from Israel and abroad, case discussions and open interaction.  This last item is expressed mostly at the Annual Weekend of the Society, bringing together members and families.  ISPE meetings are open to members as well as affiliated physicians and research scientists in the field of pediatrics, but particularly to residents and fellows in training in pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology.


In 1990, the Society established the Ne’eman Award, given annually to a young ISPE member for the best paper published in a reputable international endocrine journal.




Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology



The mission of Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society is "To promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge of endocrine and metabolic disorders from conception through adolescence." LWPES has over 900 members representing the multiple disciplines of Pediatric Endocrinology. The members are dedicated to research and treatment of children with endocrine disorders; reproductive, bone, thyroid, diabetes, obesity, growth, pituitary and adrenal. The Society works to promote the continuing education of its membership. LWPES has held yearly meetings since 1973.





The Spanish Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (SEEP) was founded on December 10, 1977. The aim of this scientific society is to promote clinical and research activities in the field of Paediatric Endocrinology in Spain. Currently, 158 physicians are active members. The SEEP is integrated in the European Federation of Endocrine Societies (EFES) through the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE). The SEEP organizes an annual meeting, as well as a number of scientific activities. In addition, a Summer School for medical residents in their fourth year of their training in Paediatric Endocrinology is organized every year before our annual meeting. Likewise, there are several active working groups in different fields of Paediatric Endocrinology (diabetes mellitus, molecular biology, hypothyroidism and lipid abnormalities, among others).





SLEP, the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinologia Pediatrica (Latin American Society for Pediatric Endocrinology) was founded in 1986 by a group of Latin American pediatric endocrinologists under the leadership of Professor César Bergadá, who served as first Secretary General for six years and organized the society.

The aims of SLEP are to promote the development and knowledge of pediatric endocrinology in its broadest sense; to promote and stimulate the exchange of knowledge of the specialty among groups from the different Latin American countries; to organize meetings for members to present their scientific papers, exchange knowledge and to discuss and revise criteria for diagnosis and treatment; and to stimulate collaborative studies and exchange of technology and human resources.

The official languages of SLEP are Spanish and Portuguese. Membership, initially from Argentina, Brazil and Chile, now extends to Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia and Bolivia. Presently, SLEP has 160 members.

Since 1987, SLEP has had annual meetings in which members present their scientific papers and scientists from other regions are invited to give lectures and share their expertise. Since 1997, SLEP has been invited every four years with the sister societies for the Joint Meeting with ESPE and LWPES.

Since 2002, the annual meeting of SLEP has been preceded by a Summer School, generously sponsored by Pfizer (Pharmacia), in which young investigators from Latin America have the opportunity to discuss their clinical cases and attend lectures with faculty from Latin America and distinguished international scientists.

These activities, in addition to achieving their scientific goals, have been a source of friendship, social and cultural exchange, and even an attempt to communicate in a language that does not formally exist; “portunhol.”


Webmaster: Ragnar Hanas (ISPAD) ragnar.hanas at